Last weekend, while trying to distract myself from the thought of having to put Joyko to sleep, I translated and started knitting Marina Klin's Car Booties pattern. The link on Ravelry had gone nowhere for ages, so I was delighted when it finally connected to странамастеров.ru. The Ravelry page indicates the pattern is available in Russian and in English, but I couldn't find an English version anywhere. This really isn't a problem for me since I read Russian as well as a variety of other Slavic languages. However, since I'm a professional translator and editor, I thought it would be nice to translate it for others. Since Marina offered it for free, written with the beginning knitter in mind, I'm doing the same. I added some of my own notes to make it as clear as possible.
Thanks to Marina, I now understand how to do an invisible increase. It was kind of a cross between a "well, duh" moment and light-bulb moment (I don't want to say it was an epiphany) for me.
The yarn is a combination of Dalegarn's Heilo and Falk. I'm not crazy about the color combination, but Vova likes it. I used buttons for the wheels instead of crocheting them. I also did not sew down the roll-brim edge.
Without further ado, here's the pattern:
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
k - knit
p - purl
sl - slip
k2tog - knit 2 together
p2tog - purl 2 together
MC - main color
CC - contrast color
garter stitch - knit every row
stockinette stitch - alternate one row of knit stitches with one row of purl stitches
1. Car booties Master Class
2. Cast on 40 stitches in the main color and knit the sole as described in “Doggie Booties” Master Class
From “Doggie Booties” – Begin knitting at the middle of the toe. The toe is knitted in garter stitch. Cast on 40 stitches. 1st and 2nd rows - knit all stitches. Starting with the 3rd row, add 4 stitches (1 on each end and 2 in the middle) on every other row for 4 rows. Add the new stitch by picking up the bar between two stitches. Twist the bar before knitting to prevent getting a hole and to keep the fabric smooth.
3rd row –sl1, make 1, k 18, make 1, k 2, make 1, k 18, make 1, 1 selvedge stitch
4th row – knit all stitches
5th row – sl1, k 1, make 1, k 18, make 1, k 4, make 1, k 18, make 1, k 1, sl1
6th row – knit all stitches
7th row – sl1, k 2, make 1, k 18, make 1, k 6, make 1, k 18, make 1, k 2, sl1
8th row – knit all stitches
9th row – sl1, k 3, make 1, k 18, make 1, k 8, make 1, k 18, make 1, k 3, sl1
Rows 10, 11, and 12 – knit all stitches.
A total of 16 stitches have been added.
There are now 56 stitches on the needles.
The sole is ready.
3. Join a contrast color and knit 6 rows of garter stitch (knit all rows). Knit another 8 rows of garter stitch in the main color.
4. Divide all stitches into 3 parts (23, 10, 23)
Details: sl1, k21, k2tog, k8, k2tog. Turn work to wrong side. Continue to knit the middle of the bootie: sl1, k8, p2tog.
5. So that the lines of decreases stay pretty and even, k2tog on the right side and p2tog on the wrong side. Turn the stitches as necessary so that they are not twisted after knitting.
6. Turn the work again – sl1, k8, k2tog. Continue knitting this way, decreasing stitches until there are 13 stitches left on the sides. There are 36 stitches total (10 in the middle and 13 on each side). Knit to the end of the row (13 stitches, which are left on the left needle). Break MC yarn, join CC yarn.
7. This is now the beginning of the knitting that resulted from the wrong side of the work. Begin purling CC: sl1, p12. Join a strand of white and begin knitting the “windshield” of the car. Leave CC for now.
8. Knit the windshield across the next 10 stitches. Knit 10 rows of garter stitch (here the garter stitch is purled every row). Now we decrease. Decrease the first stitch of each row on the 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th rows. There are 6 stitches left in the windshield. Break the white yarn.
9. Continue knitting in CC. The first 13 stitches of the row have already been knitted (worked on the wrong side). Pick up and purl 7 stitches from the side part of the windshield, p6 on the top of the windshield, pick up and purl7 stitches on the other side of the windshield, purl the remaining 13 stitches.
10. Knit another 10 rows in Stockinette stitch.
Skipped the part about crocheting the wheels.
20. When sewing up, sew vertically only to the main color.
21. Run a line of reenforcing stitches around the top of the main color. If you do not reenforce it, the sock will constantly twist during wear.
22. Continue sewing up the bootie.
23. You can put a driver in the car, if you like.