Friday, July 30, 2010

Tick, tick, tick, tick...

That's the sound of the clock. I have two weeks to turn this:

into this:

Not to mention, knitting the collar and sewing the whole thing together.

What's behind the two-week deadline, you might ask? We're taking a camping trip for our vacation and I want to get it finished in time for Vova to wear.

I think I can do it. Knitting the second sleeve and the collar shouldn't take long at all, especially since I've finished the socks for Ashley's birthday.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Always have an alibi -- and one or two to spare

When we last saw our intrepid knitter, she was smugly knitting away on an intarsia sweater sleeve, remembering why some people refuse to knit with anything other than bulky yarn on big needles.

I was smug for two reasons. First, I had a back-up project to work on while I waited for the replacement sock needles to arrive. Second, it was just whooshing along. It was going so well that I kept working on the sleeve exclusively even after the replacement needles arrived.I really wanted to finish the sleeve before going back to the socks.

But, no! That would have been too simple. Last week, I somehow lost the pattern between the bus and the car on the way home. That in of itself was not such a big deal. Again, I was smug. I scanned the pattern when I first got it and printed a working copy. All I had to was print another copy, which was fine. However, I'm out of black yarn. How can I be out of black yarn? I swear, there has to be another skein lurking somewhere, but I know I'm not going to find it until I order more.

By the way, that second sock is whooshing along. I've finished the heel flap, turned the heel, and have almost finished the gusset decreases. I'd better hurry up and order that black yarn, because you never know what might happen next.

Gratuitous picture of a black swallowtail caterpillar from my garden. Apparently, they like dill.