October was a busy month at work. In the end it was productive and positive, but busy, nonetheless. That coupled with the decreasing daylight hours made blogging non-existent for the whole month. There are certain chores that I can only do while the sun is up. While I like blogging and sharing pictures, it's a hobby; sometimes it takes a backseat to things that have to be done. I came up with lots of witty things for titles and content, which end up published only in my own head. A couple of others stayed with me, so I'll trot those out when the progress is going slowly.

Good news: the Belle Epoque socks are finished. I love the colors in the yarn -- very calming and refreshing. Navajo Sky from Plymouth Sockotta.

Bad news: the sleeves on the Toteme Pole Jacket are too long. Vova, bless him, suggested washing it would cause the right amount of shrinkage to fix the problem. He's obviously one of us; he tells himself knitting lies. I think it will be relatively easy to fix.
I think I also need to re-block one of the fronts. After all the work I've put into this sweater, I don't want to blow it on the finishing.
The last thing I want is for him to tell people, "Bonnie made this for me," and have them think, "Yeah, I can tell."
Inspired by
Lisbeth and
Sandra, I've been thinking about writing a bi-lingual blog to practice some of my other languages. Maybe in the next post.
I see you focus somewhat on the long sleeves. I'm sure you'll get that fixed beautifully. And I still go oohhh and aaahhhh!!