Saturday, December 25, 2010

Good Tidings to You and All of Your Kin

Merry Christmas! I have not dropped off the face of the Earth. It's just that I've been too tired to knit, blog or do much of anything for the past several weeks because I'm pregnant. You knew it was going to be something big when I said I'd been too tired to knit. I'm at nine weeks now. My energy should pick up by mid-January.

I did manage to start a Christmas sweater for a friend, but it hasn't progressed very far.

The other day Vova asked if we were going to wait to exchange gifts until old calendar Christmas. I said yes or maybe on New Year's Eve, then added that I hadn't gotten him anything yet. He said, "Yes, you have -- you're carrying it inside you."

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!! And Merry Christmas from Norway.
