Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mother knows best

As I do every year around this time, I've been concerned about mosquitoes. The little buggers require only a small amount of standing water for their larvae. I try to eliminate any potential breeding areas or spray, if possible before summer gets into full swing.

The other day, we were down by the barn when I noticed a couple of puddles teaming with activity. I bent down for a closer look, expecting to see mosquito larvae, but instead found practically the opposite -- tadpoles!

I'm hoping these little beauties are Mother Nature's answer to my annual mosquito problem. Frogs think mosquitoes are tasty. Lots of frogs equals few mosquitoes, right?

I was worried their puddles would dry out before they had a chance to grow up even though we had some rain yesterday. They seemed quite happy when I checked on them this evening. Their nursery is bigger now and the temperature cooler.

We're expecting thunder showers this evening. Grow, little tadpoles, eat the tiny vampires!

The cool air, combined with the coming rain, perfectly sets the mood for a  lazy evening. I'm looking forward to some knitting.

I did indeed run out yarn for Kes' (belated) birthday socks. On top of that, when I went to the Knit Picks site, the yarn I needed was not immediately available. I ordered more yarn for her sister's birthday socks, which are starting out late, after it occurred to me to check her size and the recommended amount of yarn. It was very tempting to start on them anyway, but I resisted. My immunity to startitis seems to be getting stronger. Don't get me wrong; I love the thrill of casting on a new project. On the other hand, I think the thrill of satisfaction from finishing something gives me more pleasure.

I was really tickled last night when I finished the second front for Vova's Totem Pole Jacket. Here it is in all its pre-blocked glory. Yay! Just sleeves and collar left.

I cast on for the first sleeve this morning. I worked the ribbing in the car on the way to brunch and in between running errands on the way home.

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